Eat– for Good Health

Worldwide there are more overweight people than malnourished people reports ecologist/writer David Nicholson-Lord, trusted writer for the Encyclopedia Britanica.  The United States holds the record for the most overrate country.  Watch out for fast food items– Arby’s Pecan Chicken Salad Sandwich is 870 calories, Taco Bell’s Chicken Ranch Taco Salad is 960, McDonald’s Deluxe Breakfast, regular size is 1,090, Carl’s Jr. Double Guacamole Bacon Burger is 1,090, and

Hardee’s Monster Thickburger is 1,420 calories.

Big Hardee™

7 thoughts on “Eat– for Good Health

  1. When eating fast food, keep an eye on nutritional and calorie information. Have a plan before you order, and you will avoid impulses you will regret. Stick to zero-calorie drinks or water. Skip cheese and heavy-fat mayo on sandwiches.

  2. Kathleen Rowland

    Janessa, Marla is at Boston University (working on her masters) and orders a big soup bowl at a Chinese restaurant near the campus. Janice makes the same cottage cheese and sliced apple salad every single day.

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